Sometimes people are good at giving you attention, and sometimes they don’t. I’m not saying that giving them attention means that you’re a bad person or that you need to be punished. I’m saying that when you give someone attention, you need to take it with grace, not with the intention of making them feel bad about themselves.
This is also a meme that has gotten a lot of attention recently on reddit. A few months back a reddit user asked “Why do people give me attention?” The answer is that it’s an innate need to be liked by people. It’s easier to please people if you give them attention.
I have to agree with that. There are times when you just need to make eye-contact with the people/things you are with, and just let them know that you are interested in them. Give them a little smile, maybe something extra in your eye, and be open. It is a very natural human thing to do. It is only natural that you would want people to like you because you care about them. This is also really true in business.
In business, you need to be liked by people so that they will buy from you and pay you for that good. This makes the money flow and the business run. So if you can be genuinely liked by people, you will have more to give, and they will like you.
In our case, we are an insurance agency that provides property and casualty insurance for people. We have to be liked by people in order to get our business to grow. If people don’t like us, they won’t come to the office, and we won’t get our customers. That’s why it is so important to be genuinely liked by people, to let them know that you care about them.
Our aim is to make people care about us so that they will come to the office, talk to us, and tell others about us.
This is an interesting concept; we are not saying it is the most important thing you can do, but it should be high on your list, and it is. We have to be liked by people and get our business to grow, otherwise we will not be able to keep up with the competition. The good thing is that it is not as hard to do as you think. It is just one step in the process, and if your done correctly it should not take you very long.
In the end, the key to having people come to you is to give attention. There is no other way for your business to grow, no matter how hard you try. People will come and visit you, either to buy things or tell you what they need to know to help you grow.
People are always saying they are busy, but the truth is they are just busy. They are busy with other things, which makes them lazy. They are busy with the things they do not care about. They like to sit around, but not work. Their focus is not on their business, but on other things.
This is what I mean when I say “lazy people.” We are told to “give attention” all the time, but the truth is we give it to no one. We are busy with other things, and we like to sit around. We like to do things, but we like to do them without working. We like to sit around and relax, but we don’t work. We like to eat, but we don’t work.
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