So yes, I know that what I’ve shared above is just a list of the most common side effects from being on meds that I’ve heard about. There are many other side effects that can and have been reported that aren’t mentioned here. So this is not a comprehensive list but a list of side effects that I’ve heard about and have experienced personally.
I am not saying you should take any meds. These are just the ones that have been reported to me. There are many other supplements that can affect your mood, mental state, and overall performance. If this is something you are interested in, talk to your physician since all meds have side effects.
It’s a common knowledge that meds can produce side effects and all of them can cause more side effects. I am not here to tell you to stop taking your medication. I am only here to try to get you to think twice about taking any medication. In addition, there are a lot of supplements out there that can have that same effect on you. So it is better to talk to your physician before taking any supplements.
So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that your own doctor would tell you to stop taking your medication even though it’s really not that dangerous. I guess because he or she doesn’t know everything about the meds and the supplements that you’ve been taking. But the biggest problem is that you don’t know what exactly is causing the side effects. So you have to decide if you are going to take the meds or just stop taking them.
There is so much conflicting advice out there about supplements that it is almost impossible to know what is really helpful and what is not. This is often compounded by the fact that most “diet” programs focus on the wrong things. The problem is that the same supplements that make a diet work may also make you fat. And when you are overweight, it is extremely difficult to exercise and lose weight. Thats when a supplement comes in to the picture to make it easy.
For me, the meds were the biggest culprit. After they went away, I was able to eat more and exercise more and get rid of the excess weight that had been on my midsection for the last few years. I had two simple goals: 1) Get off the meds for good and lose the weight I gained while on them, and 2) have the best sex I could possibly have.
Megan is more of an all-natural supplement that I use to get my body to work for me. I believe it has to do with the fact that I have been on the pill for so long, and my body was never meant to handle the amount of chemicals that are in the Pill. I have tried to stop taking it. I tried to do a clean break, and I tried to get off.
Yes, there are definitely side effects to the Pill. There are also, unfortunately, more side effects that aren’t so obvious like the weight gain. The Pill doesn’t just make you fat, it also makes you horny. I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke, and I never get fat. I’m not even that athletic, so I’m not sure why I’d gain excess fat and get horny.
I’m a little sensitive to what I can do, and I don’t like being in control of my body. I’m not even that nice. I don’t like to be controlled by what I can do, what I can’t, or what I can’t do.
That’s a good reason to not start taking any more pills. The Pill makes people horny, and the Pill is pretty expensive. So if you have to pay for it, you can’t really have sex. And if you have to pay for it, you might as well take any of the other medications you have. But if you’re going to be taking pills, you might as well make sure you’re taking the best ones, like the Viagra.
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